Jerzy Kosiński
novelista estadounidense de orixe polaca
Jerzy Kosiński |
Artigo na Galipedia |
Jerzy Nikodem Kosiński (18 de xuño de 1933, Łódź, Polonia – 3 de maio de 1991, New York, EUA) escritor polonés.
- "O acontecemento recordado tórnase ficción, unha estrutura feita para acomodar certos sentimentos. Se non fora por esas estruturas, a arte sería persoal demais para que o artista a crease, e moito menos que o público a comprendese".
- - The remembered event becomes a fiction, a structure made to accommodate certain feelings. If there were not these structures, art would be too personal for the artist to create, much less for the audience to grasp.
- - Notes of the author on The painted bird, 1965 - Páxina 11, de Jerzy Kosinski - Publicado por Scientia-Factum, 1967 - 29 páxinas
- - The remembered event becomes a fiction, a structure made to accommodate certain feelings. If there were not these structures, art would be too personal for the artist to create, much less for the audience to grasp.