
traxedia de William Shakespeare

Hamlet, traxedia que William Shakespeare compuxo entre 1600 e 1602.

Clásicos en Galego 10: Hamlet.

Acto 1

  • 1.2- Hamlet: Aparentar, señora?. Non, é. Eu non sei de apariencia. (Seems, madam! Nay, it is; I know not "seems.")
  • 1.2 -Hamlet: Fraxilidade, es muller (Frailty, thy name is woman!)
  • 1.4 -Marcelo: Cheira a podre en Dinamarca (Something is rotten in the state of Denmark)

Acto 3

  • 3.1 -Hamlet: Ser ou non ser, esa é a cuestión. (To be, or not to be, — that is the question:)